- Development of suspended structure-based wind-driven triboelectric nanogenerator (2022.06.01)
- Development of suspended structure-based wind-driven triboelectric nanogenerator Professor Jongbaeg Kim's research team in the Department of Mechanical Engineering developed a wind-driven triboelectric nanogenerator, and this research was published in the journal 'Nano Energy' in June 2022. In this study, as a method to harvest energy at low wind speed, a nanogenerator using a cylindrical shell structure self-suspended by Coulomb attraction between two charged materials was proposed. It was shown that the nanogenerator can be used as an energy source for small electronic devices and as a self-powered wind monitoring sensor. The link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nanoen.2022.107062
- 기계공학부 2022.07.15
- Fabrication of accelerated oxygen-evolving hybrid catalyst at high current densities for large-scale hydrogen production
- Fabrication of accelerated oxygen-evolving hybrid catalyst at high current densities for large-scale hydrogen production Professor Seong Chan Jun's research team in the Department of Mechanical Engineering conducted a study to fabricate a hybrid catalyst that amplifies alkaline water electrolysis at high current density. This research team achieved high-efficiency oxygen generation that satisfies safety and commercial standards at high current densities by using nickel-iron hydroxide doped with rhenium and nitrogen to overcome the process development limited by the low oxygen generation rate of water electrolysis generally used in industry. The results of this study were published as paper in the 'Chemical Engineering Journal' (Impact Factor: 16.744, Top 2.62%, Volume 435), an international excellent journal. The link: doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2022.135184
- 기계공학부 2022.07.15
- Development of dendrite growth simulator at the anode interface of lithium-ion battery (2022.05.04)
- Development of dendrite growth simulator at the anode interface of lithium-ion battery To prevent safety issues related to battery fires, and to prevent potential battery failures that may lead to low performance, professor Lee's team in the department of Mechanical Engineering developed the simulator that can be used for the analysis and prediction of the dendrite growth process. The simulator continuously visualize the oxidation/reduction reaction and solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) formation process at the lithium anode interface, confirming the growth of dendrites at the battery anode interface during repeated battery charge/discharge cycles. In addition, the dendrite suppression of the additive included electrolyte can also be confirmed, so its applicability in terms of additive development is expected. This study was published in 'npj Computational Materials DOI 10.1038/s41524-022-00788-6'. The link: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41524-022-00788-6
- 기계공학부 2022.05.17
- Hyundai Motor and Kia, Established Intelligent Control Joint Research Lab - AI Group (2022.04.28)
- Hyundai Motor and Kia, Established Intelligent Control Joint Research Lab - AI Group Hyundai-Kia Motor Company announced on the 28th that they had partnered with domestic universities to develop intelligent control technology for electric vehicles. The Intelligent Control Joint Research Lab will develop core software technologies to control future electric vehicles in advance for the next three years. The group conducts research on future technology items for electric vehicles and control methodologies by dividing them into Artificial Intelligence (AI) group, MPC (Model Predictive Control) group, and control/observer group. The AI group will be led by Professor Hyunjin Kim's team from the Department of Aerospace Engineering at Seoul National University and Professor Choi Jongeun from the School of Mechanical Engineering at Yonsei University to develop technologies such as estimating the road surface condition and judging the optimal driving guide for electric vehicles. Research on methodologies using AI, such as energy optimization algorithms, will be conducted in advance. The link: https://www.donga.com/news/article/all/20220428/113124718/2 http://www.smedaily.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=229520
- 기계공학부 2022.05.17
- Suspension Control Strategies Using Switched Soft Actor-Critic Models for Real Roads in a Real Car (2022.03.01)
- Suspension Control Strategies Using Switched Soft Actor-Critic Models for Real Roads in a Real Car Professor Choi Jongeun's research team in the School of Mechanical Engineering developed a reinforcement learning-based suspension control logic that can improve driving stability and ride comfort on real roads and real vehicles through joint research with Hyundai Motor's R&H Research Lab. The reinforcement learning-based suspension control logic of this research outperformed the conventional control logics that were widely used in the automobile industry, and was published in 'IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (I.F. 8.236, top 7.13%)'. In the paper, the team showed that the reinforcement learning based artificial intelligence model verified in the simulation in the laboratory can be applied to real vehicles and real roads. The link: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9724132
- 기계공학부 2022.05.17
- Development of highly sensitive flexible tactile sensor based on mulberry paper (2022.02.08)
- Development of highly sensitive flexible tactile sensor based on mulberry paper Professor Jongbaeg Kim’s research team in the Department of Mechanical Engineering developed a tactile sensor which was selected as the back cover paper of a renowned material science journal ‘Advanced Materials Technologies’ (Impact Factor: 7.848, Volume 7 Issue 2). In this paper, we proposed a flexible tactile sensor based on carbon nanotubes- and silver nanoparticles-coated mulberry paper through an inkjet printing process. The mulberry paper has a highly porous structure, and the property allowed the sensor to achieve high sensitivity and a wide sensing range. In addition, its applications as a multi-directional force measurement and a wearable device were demonstrated. The link: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/admt.202100428
- 기계공학부 2022.05.17
- Development of self-plugging microneedle (SPM) for intravitreal drug delivery (2022.02.22)
- Development of self-plugging microneedle (SPM) for intravitreal drug delivery Professor WonHyoung Ryu's research team in the Department of Mechanical Engineering developed a self-plugging microneedle for intravitreal drug delivery based on the thermal drawing method through joint research with the research team of Professor Jeong hun Kim in the Ophthalmology at Seoul National University. The results of this study were approved for publication in 'Advanced Healthcare Materials (Impact factor: 9.933, top 8.43%)' in February of this year. The link: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/adhm.202102599
- 기계공학부 2022.03.11
- 'International Robotic Surgery Live(IRSL)2021', Announcement of Mixed reality grafted technology in surgical environment
- 'International Robotic Surgery Live (IRSL) 2021', Announcement of Mixed reality grafted technology in surgical environment Professor Lee's team in the department of Mechanical Engineering participated in the 'International Robotic Surgery Live (IRSL)' symposium held on January 21, 2022 and shared the recently developed 'Mixed Reality (MR) grafted technology in the surgical environment. Dr.Min Byeong-so, the director of the Robotic Endoscopic Surgery Center at Severance Hospital, who co-developed the technology, performed robotic surgery for colon cancer in real time using this mixed reality technology, and was evaluated as a step forward in future medical care related to the establishment of a smart operating room. The link: https://www.edaily.co.kr/news/read?newsId=01666246632201000
- 기계공학부 2022.03.11
- Professor Heoung-jae Chun inaugurated as president of the Korean Society for Composite Materials (2022.01.01)
- Professor Heoung-jae Chun inaugurated as president of the Korean Society for Composite Materials Professor Heoung-jae Chun inaugurated as the 21st president of the Korean Society for Composite Materials as of January 1, 2022. The Korean Society for Composite Materials was established in 1988 to contribute to the development of composite materials-related academics and technologies required by the country or industry and to foster excellent students with expertise. The link: www.kscm.re.kr
- 기계공학부 2022.03.11
- Development of highly flexible and porous silk fibroin microneedle wraps for cardiovascular diseases (2021.12.10)
- Development of highly flexible and porous silk fibroin microneedle wraps for cardiovascular diseases Professor WonHyoung Ryu's research group in the Department of Mechanical Engineering developed a silk fibroin microneedle wrap for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases through joint research with Professor Young-Nam Youn's research group in the Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Severance Cardiovascular Hospital. Recognized for its excellence in efficacy and stability, this study was published in the 'Journal of Controlled Release (IF = 9.776, top 3.45% of Pharmacology & Pharmacy)', and was selected as the Front Cover of Vol.340 in 2021. The link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168365921005538
- 기계공학부 2022.03.11