- Campus : Seoul Campus
Department : Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Tel : 02-2123-2863
- Office : Engr. Bldg. III C613
- Computational Intelligence 연구실
ㆍ Ph. D., Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea (1999. 02)
ㆍ M. S. E., Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea (1994. 02)
ㆍ B. S., Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea (1992. 02)
ㆍ Professor, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea (2010 ~ Present)
연세대학교 공과대학 전기전자공학부 정교수
ㆍ Visiting researcher, UC Berkeley (2008 ~ 2009)
ㆍ Associate Professor, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea (2005 ~ 2010)
연세대학교 공과대학 전기전자공학부 부교수
ㆍ Intelligent vehicles and robots (지능형 차량 및 로봇)
ㆍ Computer intelligence (컴퓨터 지능)
ㆍ Localization and SLAM through sensor fusion (센서융합을 통한 위치인식과 SLAM)
ㆍ Statistical Machine Learning / Deep Learning/Robot Vision (통계적 기계학습/딥러닝/로봇비젼)
ㆍ Object recognition and tracking using sensor information (센서정보를 이용한 물체 인식 및 추적 )
AWARD (수상 )
ㆍPresidential Distinguished Research Award, Yonsei University (2017)
연세대학교 우수연구상
ㆍ Premium Award for Best Paper in IET Computer Vision (2015)
ㆍ Presidential Distinguished Teaching Award, Yonsei University (2014)
연세대학교 우수강의 교수상
ㆍ Excellent Industry-Academia Collaboration Award, Hyundai Motor Group (2014)
현대자동차그룹 우수산학연구상